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adadirect 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Dec 29 Sat 2007 17:28
  • 打劫

今天回到公司才知道 boxing day 那天公司被打劫了
那時還是晚上六點, 店裡還有不少的人
聽說之後商場的保安把我們店的門口都上了鎖, 讓他出不了去
終之他後來是逃走了, 也來了些警察

adadirect 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

事, 的 technician 話, 當時

T=technician     C=caller

T: Hello, XXX pharmacy

C: If I give you 200 dollars, will you let me smell your shoes?

T: ............ what???

C: If I give you 200 dollars, will you let me smell your shoes?

T: ............ eh..............

C: Is this the pharmacy? (so obviously he didn't call the wrong number...)

T: yeah...

C: Are you the pharmacist?

T: no...

C: Oh....will you let me smell a ladies' shoes if I give you 200 dollars?  (what he has a prescription for smelling a ladies shoes???)

T: **hangs up**


adadirect 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jul 06 Fri 2007 16:55
自從轉了全職以後那累的感覺便一直沒有減少, 一天比一天的累
但是想到要儲錢去做我想做的事情, 又實在沒有什麼其他的辦法
也因為是全職的關係, 工作上也多了事情要到我去管
心理上的負擔也大了, 大概多少也增加了我累的感覺吧!
這個星期也只有星期六可以放放假, 但是那天又有婚禮要參加, 那是等于沒假放吧

adadirect 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

1. Patient: This medication is poison! Why did the Dr give it to me again? It is so cheap. You'd just know this won't work. The other one that I'm on is much more expensive, that is why it works and has no side effects you know. Next time you give this out to someone be careful! Cuz it's poison!
    Staff: Um....yeah.....OK.... (half happy that someone is complaining a medication is too CHEAP for a change)

2. P: What is this one for?
    S: For your bones.
    P: And this one?

adadirect 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

這篇純誶發泄, 不明所以的不用理我~

昨天整天大部份時間也滿忙的, 但是也不是過份的忙
我們公司有一個 program 是要藥劑師打電話給病人 follow-up 的
每一個月也要做80個, 所以相對的我每上一次班也應該打一通電話的

adadirect 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

今天原本不算是太忙的一天, 大概因為在下雨所以大家都留在家裡吧!
差不多到我該走的時候卻來了一些很無理 (也很無禮) 的人
天呀...被那些人罵了一輪, 明明完全不是我的錯嘛
真是放過我吧...怪不得看得我一頭霧水的, 原來是錯的嘛

adadirect 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • May 29 Tue 2007 16:42
  • 犯錯

有一些錯是滿嚴重的, 而且還出錯得莫明其妙
有一些處理這些錯的方法我也不是太認同, 但是錯不關係到我, 而我也沒有權利去管

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下一次大家去藥房的時候, 請記得﹕

adadirect 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

因為不是周末, 所以比第一天更忙了@@

我會到家裡的時候發現我把我帶去的飲品忘了在藥房那裡了(是我在日本機場買的JAL Yuzu)

adadirect 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Why does it take 2 hours for you to get 20 tablets of Vicodin?  

You come to the counter. I am on the phone with a drunk dude who wants the phone number to the grocery store next door. After I instruct him on the virtues of 411, you tell me your doctor was to phone in your prescription to me.  Your doctor hasn't, and you're unwilling to wait until he does.  Being in a generous mood, I call your doctor's office and I am put on hold for 5 minutes, then informed that your prescription was phoned in to my competitor on the other side of town. Phoning the competitor, I am immediately put on hold for 5 minutes before speaking to a clerk, who puts me back on hold to wait for the pharmacist. Your prescription is then transferred to me, and now I have to get the 2 phone calls that have been put on hold while this was being done. Now I return to the counter to ask if we've ever filled prescriptions for you before. For some reason, you think that "for you" means "for your cousin" and you answer my question with a "yes", whereupon I go the computer and see you are not on file.

The phone rings.

You have left to do something very important, such as browse through the monster truck magazines, and do not hear the three PA announcements requesting that you return to the pharmacy. You return eventually, expecting to pick up the finished prescription.....

The phone rings.

.......only to find out that I need to ask your address, phone number, date of birth, if you have any allergies and insurance coverage. You tell me you're allergic to codeine. Since the prescription is for Vicodin I ask you what exactly codeine did to you when you took it.  You say it made your stomach hurt and I roll my eyes and write down "no known allergies" You tell me......

The phone rings.

......you have insurance and spend the next 5 minutes looking for your card. You give up and expect me to be able to file your claim anyway.  I call your competitor and I am immediately put on hold. Upon reaching a human, I ask them what insurance they have on file for you. I get the information and file your claim, which is rejected because you changed jobs 6 months ago. An asshole barges his way to the counter to ask where the bread is.

adadirect 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

很久沒試過這麼的累了 (不是因為我很久沒上班唷! 以前沒那麼累的, 因為有凳子坐) 
而且一天的時間好象過得很久很久的, 很悶

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